This study has pointed out, does not wear bra can help breasts retain shape better ...
Many women believe that wearing bra will keep your breasts are not sagging, prevent back pain and improve posture. However, a recent study has shown the opposite. The findings that the bra is not really necessary, we will make your breasts are "sagging" more.
This study was carried out by Jean-Denis Rouillon - a sports medicine expert at Hospitalier Universitaire in Besancon, France. He says: "The bra will make breasts sag down, sag more."
He spent 15 years studying 130 women with different breast sizes. All are asked not to wear bras for a few months and several years. Then they have to answer the question of whether you feel pain or be limited when performing daily tasks without wearing bra. The answer he received was that most people do not have any problems in wearing or not wearing bras.
Rouillon professor believes that the absence of a bra can keep the breast shape and prevent the frames have been hurt by the bra.
He explained: "The decision to not wear a bra to give women the comfort and aesthetics. Contrary to popular belief, breasts will sag, not pinched,the skin quality of the chest is improved significantly. "
Rouillon professor said: "42% of women feel uncomfortable in the first 3 months of not wearing a bra. But then, this feeling has disappeared. No pain and it does not interfere with what they participate in daily activities, including sports. "
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